'Soul Scribbling' a Mini - Course for Beginners
Making Friends With Your Mind through Scribbling
'Soul Scribbling' a Mini Course for beginners!
Scribbling is a notebook and pen, and fifteen minutes a day. It is a deeply personal time, a time of finding a deeper understanding and intimacy with yourself. It can be a spontaneous self-expression without obeying the general rules of grammar. It can be a time of intimacy without your Inner Critic or Inner Perfectionism standing in judgement, blocking your creativity or undermining your connection with your Inner Self.
It's a time to go deep into your quiet mind, to shut out the endless chatter in your head and find the hidden meaning in your thoughts, feelings and emotions. To uncover your blocks, your underlying beliefs, the behaviours that govern your actions.
Who Is this course for . . .?
Do you want to move forward in your life . . . from a more authentic part of your self . . . to close the door on the past . . . manifest your dreams . . .
Have you wanted to find your voice and didn't know how . . . record your thoughts . . . know how you really feel . . . express your Inner dreams and ambitions . . .
Live your life from your Inner Self . . . learn from your deepest wisdom . . . be guided by your inner intuition . . .
A notebook, a pen and 15 minutes a day!
Your Instructor
I create now to give back in love and open heartedness.
Welcome to my courses.
During this course, you will learn:
- The best types of notebooks and pens to get you started.
- Give you prompts for your daily writing to keep you on track.
- Tell you more about how connecting with your Inner Voice will make you more independent.
- Help you understand how important being consistent, making a new habit, is to your writing.
- Give you all the info you need to join like-minded women on Facebook and in a membership circle.
- Have all your questions answered.